Best Way to Upload Video to Instagram 2017

Instagram is an ideal platform for sharing visually compelling stories. Indeed, "a picture is worth a thousand words," and companies have profited profoundly from marketing on Instagram. A video, however, is worth a m pictures. In this post, we'll touch on on the effectiveness of video marketing and get you started on using Instagram in particular.

Related: Getting Started on Instagram

How to Post Videos to Instagram

Why Video Marketing?

Videos are invaluable to online marketing. Just consider this: 90% of online shoppers say they find a video helping in making shopping and buying decisions. fourscore% of Internet users retrieve watching a video ad in the past thirty days. If that weren't enough, here'southward the icing on the cake: Consumers are 64%more probable to buy a product or service after watching a video about it.

That'southward why you may desire to consider using Instagram video for your business as function of your marketing plan. Instagram video marketing is an ideal tool for pocket-sized businesses, and it needn't cost much—or, like these other great gratuitous marketing tools, anything at all. Read on for instructions and tips on how to mail service a video on Instagram and go the most from your company'due south Instagram account!

Why Postal service Video to Instagram?

Instagram is all-time known for photos, only videos take been a huge hit on this mobile platform. When you post videos to Instagram related to your business organisation or industry, you are taking reward of mobile marketing for your business. Instagram videos create two times more engagement on average than Instagram photos practise. They also have a higher rate of shares on Twitter and other platforms.
Companies taking annotation of this are hopping on the Instagram video bandwagon—of all brands on Instagram, 62% of them take shared at to the lowest degree i Instagram video. Why? Considering Instagram videos are among the most effective methods of advertising.
Yous can utilize Instagram video in the same style that y'all utilise Instagram for business already. Whether yous're running an Instagram giveaway or just posting visually highly-seasoned content, the value is similar.

How to Post Videos to Instagram

When Instagram start launched its video feature in 2013, uploading videos wasn't easy. Users were limited to a few seconds of video captured live on their mobile device. Now, users take more options. Yous can record video straight into the app or post pre-recorded videos from your camera roll. Instagram also at present offers the ability to trim clips, edit videos, combine multiple videos into one, add filters, and more than.

There are v methods of sharing videos on Instagram:

  1. Record a video through Instagram and mail service information technology right away
  2. Tape a video on your mobile device and mail it later
  3. Mail service a pre-recorded video file on Instagram
  4. Create and postal service a video with Boomerang
  5. Record a video on Instagram Stories

While all four methods are fairly unproblematic, posting a pre-recorded video file is a chip more challenging. If you want a professional person-grade video edited on a platform off of Instagram, information technology may require working around Instagram's limited capabilities. Here's how to post a video in each of the 5 ways.

1. How to Record a Video through Instagram

Recording and posting a video to Instagram is easy. Videos may be between iii and sixty seconds long.To tape and post, simply follow the below instructions or scout this video:

Step-by-pace directions

  1. Tap the plus icon on the bottom of the Instagram app
    How to Post Video Instagram1
  2. Tap "Video" on the bottom correct.
    How to Post Video on Instagram2
  3. Record the video past holding downwards the red circle.
    How to Post Video on Instagram3
  4. Tap the blue "Next" button in the upper right.

Utilise any of Instagram's standard filters, add a caption, add your location, and/or tag other users earlier posting.

ii. How to Record a Video on your Smartphone and Post to Instagram

Yous may also post any videos that have already been recorded on your mobile device. You will be presented with the aforementioned editing and filter options equally you would accept had you recorded the video from scratch. You lot tin record a video on your smartphone exterior of the Instagram app and mail service information technology to Instagram.

To do so follow these steps:

  1. Tap the plus sign icon on the bottom of the Instagram app
  2. Tap "Library" on the bottom left.
    How to Post Video Instagram
  3. Select the video from your photographic camera coil.
  4. Tap "Next"
  5. Tap trim at the bottom to accept the video run into the requirements of lx seconds.

Tap Side by side to add filters, captions, locations, or to tag but as with the previous department.

3. How to Upload a Pre-Recorded Video to Instagram

Editing video on a mobile device is a bit of a pain because mobile devices do not have the quality or capability professional editing software does. For high-quality videos, we recommend filming and editing outside of Instagram.

While most of the time video recorded on Instagram will exist adept enough for your business, certain businesses like photographers, videographers, or real estate agents may opt to edit their video on figurer software. If y'all've worked with a video professional for your business organisation and want to upload an existing video, here'south how to practice it.
In social club to be uploaded to Instagram, your video must:

  • Be rendered in a square attribute ratio. This ways that the output has to be a foursquare aspect ratio. The dimensions themselves don't thing—the video tin exist 100×100 or 1000×one thousand or annihilation else—and then long as the ratio is equal.
  • Be 60 seconds or less. Instagram limits video to 60 seconds.
  • Be available on your smartphone or a file-sharing platform (ex. DropBox). You may merely upload photos and video to Instagram from a mobile device—you tin can't upload your video from a desktop computer.

To create a professional-class video for Instagram, film and edit your footage as usual. Render it co-ordinate to the specifications above before exporting it. Then simply salve it to a location that can be accessed with your mobile device, or email it to yourself and download to your phone. You tin and so follow the steps in the second section on how to upload a pre-recorded video in your dorsum to the second section You tin can even email it to yourself and download it to your phone. Easy!

4. How to Postal service a Boomerang to Instagram

In October of 2015, Instagram launched an app chosen Boomerang. Boomerangs aren't entirely videos but they aren't still photos either, and then they are worth including in this mail. Boomerangs are basically a burst of photos stitched together into a mini video, with no sounds, that plays forward and backward in a repeating loop.

There are two ways to post a Boomerang to Instagram:

  1. By creating a Boomerang in the app and posting it to Instagram from there, or
    How to Instagram Video Boomerang
  2. Creating a Boomerang in Instagram

Note that both of these methods let yous to create Boomerangs without actually posting them if you lot don't desire to or want to post them afterward.

How to Post a Boomerang Video through the Boomerang App

Creating a Boomerang video is straightforward in the Boomerang app. Simply open the app and agree downwards the circumvolve push. Boomerang volition automatically have the photo burst.

How to Post a Boomerang on Instagram:

  1. Tap the camera icon in the top left corner of your Instagram dwelling house screen. (Or for a shortcut, swipe left to correct from your home screen.)
  2. Tap "Boomerang" on the bottom right of your screen
    How to Video on Instagram
  3. Tap the white circle in the middle to have your photo burst.
  4. Tap "Save" to save the Boomerang to your camera roll (to mail to your Instagram feed), or tap "Adjacent" to ship the Boomerang to your Instagram Story or as a Direct Bulletin to another user.

Visual merely, you cannot create Boomerang videos with sound. These videos are meant to uniquely capture and convey a serial of motions, so focus your target on something interesting. Subjects that make for adept Boomerang videos: moving subjects, changing facial expressions, quick tutorials, etc.

five. How to Post Video Using Instagram Stories

Instagram'southward latest video content tool is Instagram Stories, launched in Baronial 2016. The Stories feature allows yous to compile videos and/or pictures into an anthology that stays up for 24 hours. Stories videos can be upwardly to 15 seconds long and you tin post as many per twenty-four hour period as y'all desire. To post a video using Stories follow Boomerang instructions, but instead of clicking Boomerang click "normal".

How to Video on Instagram

Just as with regular Instagram videos, your Stories videos can include sound, location, hashtags and filters to make your video unique.

Instagram video is a great marketing tool for your business. Have you used Instagram video successfully? Let u.s.a. know in the comments below.



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