Weather Man Hurrican Florance Wind Chart Funny
Internet Roasts Weatherman For Faking Battle With High Wind During Hurricane Florence
"This is about as nasty as it's been."
The video above was recorded during a live shot on the Weather Channel. The network's longtime reporter Mike Seidel was on the scene as Hurricane Florence moved on land near Wilmington, North Carolina, and Seidel was bearing the brunt of the wind.
At least it seemed that way until a couple of dudes in hoodies went strolling by in the background.

The juxtaposition was funny enough to be straight out of sketch comedy, but unfortunately for Seidel, it made the whole thing look like an act. One he compounded with dramatic lines like "This is about as nasty as it's been."
Also unfortunately for Seidel, this video went viral in nothing flat. To say that he was mercilessly roasted might be too gentle.
On the whole Mike Seidel thing: I grew up watching him and enjoyed his presentation, but this stunt is bizarre at best. Insulting and a disgrace to meteorology and journalism. His crew was also spotted on TV driving through floodwaters in a TWC vehicle last year I believe.
— Jamey Singleton (@jameysingleton) September 15, 2018
Some even took an inexplicably political view of the video, treating it as if it proved some larger point.
So why didn't Mike Seidel just step away from the wet grass and out on the concrete?
Because he's #FakeNews. Leftist charlatans creating man-made narratives to "fight the climate", pathetic. #MAGA
Weather Channel Reporter Mocked for – Exaggerate Florence— Gregory Gains (Visitor from the future) (@Gregory_Gains) September 15, 2018
The Weather Channel defended Seidel, who to his credit has been a reliable and perhaps even beloved fixture of severe storm coverage through the years.
Through a spokesman, the network said "It's important to note that the two individuals in the background are walking on concrete, and Mike Seidel is trying to maintain his footing on wet grass, after reporting on-air until 1 a.m. this morning and is undoubtedly exhausted."
Some felt this explanation made things worse.
.@weatherchannel responded already but sadly, they probably need to do much more damage control on the Seidel live shot. Trolls are taking over story on social media. Lots of good support for Seidel and the reason for his crouching into the wind. Get Mike on cam w/ explanation.
— Tim Ballisty (@IrishEagle) September 15, 2018
It was admittedly hard to buy what they were selling, but the Weather Channel and Seidel definitely had defenders.
Y'all know I'll criticize The Weather Channel until I'm blue in the face when I think they've done something wrong.
Mike Seidel's liveshot yesterday was fine.
The guys walking behind him were on concrete with the wind at their backs. Mike wasn't. Don't feed the outrage machine.
— Dennis Mersereau (@wxdam) September 15, 2018
@CNN is standing in the water to show how deep it is in some places. Mike Seidel had his back to the wind and was standing on wet grass, plus, you can see how windy it is. People have lost their homes & their lives in this storm! The @weatherchannel Saves lives! Get a clue!
— JustLeesa (@IAmJustLeesa) September 15, 2018
Hurricane Florence lost strength before coming ashore but multiple media reports indicate it has still been a storm for the ages, causing catastrophic flooding and killing at least 12 as of Sunday.
One weather guy possibly faking a single shot is really nothing to remember beside such a deadly event. Still, reporters have pulled moves like this in the past.
Many are "shocked" at the acting by Weather Channel's Mike Seidel yesterday. This isn't the first time news outlets have faked for more views. It's laughable. Top 3 off the top of my head here:
— Beth Carpenter | TDS Weather (@B_Carp01) September 15, 2018
Mike Seidel will come out of this just fine and the internet needs something to do with its tweets. It'll take North Carolina much longer to recover from this disaster.
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